I have no idea how tired you are of hearing about the CALM-MO, but I’m not tired of writing about it! Its benefits are plentiful.
Today I went into a brief, context-dependent mini-depression. It was one of the ones where there were actual challenges I was confronting which quickly compounded, and I had legitimate reason to suffer a metabolic slow-down.
Curiosophy got me through. The Acceptance, Loving-kindness, and a Motivation Toward Valued States of being were already there.
They were already there, because I practice them. While they don’t naturally arise on their own, they do now because I’ve chosen to adopt them through a mixture of CBT, IFS, Mindful Awareness, Buddhism, and Christianity.
Now, provided I am staying sober and practicing self-care, I can simply engage Curiosity about the situation I’m in, and I can more-or-less easily navigate the complexity.
This is why (I’m learning now, after the fact) I am inclined to favor the term Curiosophy over mere Curiosity. When I situate my Curio- (akin to cura "care") in devotion to Lady Wisdom, it becomes less of an intellectual miscellany and more of an act of agapic love — a centering in participation with the cosmos, and an autopoietic exercise in autonomy and the establishment of a greater (and more potent) agency.
There can and should be a wisdom to Curiosity. While intellectual play is important, it’s not the most important thing.
I look forward to your letters.