“The beginning of the good tidings of Yeshua the Anointed. As has been written by Isaiah the Prophet, ‘See, I send forth my messenger before your face, who will prepare your path’ — ‘A voice of one crying out in the wilderness: ‘Prepare the Lord’s way, make straight his paths’ — John appeared, baptizing in the wilderness, proclaiming a baptism of the heart’s transformation, for forgiveness of sins.”
— Mark 1:1-4 Trans. David Bentley Hart (Yeshua Mine)
It begins and ends in sin.
Something I want. Something You
may or may not want. Consent
is the mot de jour, but even
when consensual, it may not be
out of desire. It may be
of desire for something else.
This is why we feasted on Friday
for an Immaculate Conception,
free of all this bullshit.
In the scripture an Angel
comes. Mary is, say, sewing.
The angel simply brings her
the news. She did not
decide. She did not
choose. Here
would be someone
to talk to Elizabeth’s someone. Here
would be a new sort of Basileus.
Perhaps a President. Or a Prime
Minister. One who would take
into all account the whole
of Scripture and inflect it
via parable and act.
A Chair, at the Right
hand of God. Free from all this
I want this, I want that.
Wholly of the Being Mode.
But even of pure Being, matter
(mater, mother) must bring us forth.
There is no way without her.
To be human is to come from.
From hummus, clay, earth, from
another human.
Another human who was once told: Do.
Maria knew this had nothing
to do with her, save everything.
We pray to her, still. Some daily,
Some each Sun Day, some only
on Holy Days, but still.
Kecharitomene. All Charitable
Maria, Gloria Plena. Our Life,
Our Sweetness, and Our
Hope. Sweet Clement,
Mild, Placid, Gentle. Where would we Be
Without You. Would you be
forgotten were we not now
here? Were we not here now,
could you forgive us?