Wish Social Media Could Be a Little More Wholesome?
It Doesn't Need to Be All About Posture, Position, and Politics
Hello all!
I know I've been a little quiet lately. That's for a number of reasons, one of which is that I've recently been named a top mentor on a new social site called Wisdom. This is a very diverse platform that offers one-minute audio snippets as well as live talks and chats that generally center around insight learning, mentoring, coaching, spirituality, philosophy, and general life concerns (including fitness and finance).
An Introduction to Wisdom
If you do happen to be interested, please consider using this link to sign up:
Whether or not you are, I hope that you're doing well as winter begins its approach. For those following, this is of course the first week of Advent. It's been a hell of a year for me, and I'm looking forward toward the light.
All Best, and with Affection,