Brendan Graham Dempsey recently laid out a draft of his teleology.
I found it to be refreshing and enriching.
He starts by clarifying that his teleology is much more than an “optimal brain state.” Mr. Dempsey has gone through a career from a traditional form of Christianity through Catholicism (deeply influenced by Dante), and has done significant work in apologetics before ultimately settling into Meta-Modernism as a way to see the critiques of Modernity through a new lens which accounts for Post-Modernism while maintaining a devotional approach to finding a meaningful place within the cosmos.
All that said, here is my transcription of his stated move toward a teleology. It strives toward a “christogenesis” which aspires toward an “omega point.”
“The progression of complexification leading to deeper consciousness, greater autonomy, greater care, greater agape, greater love in every sense, and to the unification (the integration and differentiation, simultaneously) leading to this maximally complex reality.”
I look forward to your letters.