5 Good Books About the Idea of God
Being Different Ways of Going About the Same Ineffable Thing
[Disclaimer: I still need to Read Anselm.]
Here are a handful of books I like about the idea of God.
The Case for God by Karen Armstrong
A nice comparative look across traditions with an emphasis on ecumenism.
The Experience of God by David Bentley Hart
A bit of an ontological approach, and welcomes meditation.
The Evolution of God by Robert Wright
Essentially an history of the idea, Wright employs evolutionary psychology as his framework for exploring said history.
The New Oxford Annotated Bible
The Summa Theologiae of Thomas Aquinas
The masterwork by the originator of the concept of divine simplicity. Ironically, I think I will be reading this work for the rest of my life. The way it’s written is fascinating!
I’m not saying there aren’t others, but here are a few that I like!